Keamanan kebakaran

Keamanan kebakaran adalah hal yang terpenting baik di lingkungan perumahan maupun komersial. Memiliki peralatan pemadam kebakaran yang tepat dapat membuat perbedaan antara situasi yang dapat dikelola dan bencana besar. Dalam panduan komprehensif ini, kami akan menguraikan peralatan pemadam kebakaran penting yang harus dimiliki setiap rumah, tempat kerja, atau fasilitas umum untuk memastikan kesiapsiagaan dan respons ...

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Fire and Welding Blankets

Fire blankets are used to smother small fires that start in the workplace or at home. Economy fire blankets or white kitchen blankets are a good choice for a small kitchen or for a caravan. A larger workshop or restaurant kitchen should have a 1.2m x 1.2m blanket in case of emergencies. If you work ...

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Fire Buckets

A fire bucket is considered the simplest piece of firefighting equipment, but still serves a purpose. The standard red bucket has the word ‘Fire’ written on it and it is made of metal or plastic. It can be filled with water or you can fill it with a flame smothering powder like Flamezorb.To use, dump ...

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Fire hose

The fire hose reel lets out a powerful stream of water that extinguishes large fires. The hoses usually come in a fire hose reel, which holds 30 metres of tubing. This makes the hose easy to unravel so a fire can be fought quickly. Fire brigades can also attach different nozzles to the end of ...

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fire fighting equipment

Fire ExtinguishersYou should always be aware of the dangers of the incorrect use of firefighting equipment. This is true for all firefighting equipment, including fire extinguishers. A fire extinguisher should never be used to prop open a door. It should always be fixed to the wall, and it should be checked monthly by a service ...

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Setelah menyelesaikan Traning fire fighting ini diharapkan peserta dapat: Menjelaskan terjadinya kebakaran melalui konsep segitiga api;Mengidentifikasi sumber-sumber kebakaran, tanggap darurat dan penangannya;Melaksanakan pemadaman kebakaran dengan menggunakan prinsip pemadaman api sesuai konsep segitiga api;Mengidentifikasi alat pemadam berdasarkan sumber kebakaran;Menjelaskan tindakan dalam menangani keadaan darurat khusus kebakaran.Mampu menggunakan alat-alat pemadam kebakaran baik untuk api kecil/besar

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